Hycontrol Foam Control
SureSense - For aqueous foam detection, MultiSense - For aqueous foam detection & measurement - Can measures both the foam and liquid level simultaneously, Foam Tendency Analyser (FTA) - Can predict when foam will occur in process streams, DiFoam - For non aqueous foam detection
Klein Tools
Battery-Operated Tools, Cable Cutters, Drilling and Holemaking, Insulated Hand Tools, Knives and Cutting Tools, Level and Measuring Tools, Lineman Bucket and Bags, PPE, Pliers, Saws, Screwdrivers, Strippers and Crimpers, Test and Measurement, Tool Organization, Fish Tape, Wire Pulling Grips, Wrenches
Accelerometers, Velocity Sensors, Velocity Transmitter, Impact Transmitter, Signal Conditioners, Digital Proximity System, Vibration Transmitters, Probes, Cables, Electronic Vibration Switches, Mechanical Vibration Switches, Premier Industrial Shakers, Portable Vibration Analyzers, Top-Quality Vibration Monitors, SIL Certifications for Vibration Monitoring Devices
Sharpe Valves
Gate, Globe, & Check Valves, High Performance Flanged Ball Valves, High Performance 3 Piece Ball Valves, High Pressure Ball Valves, Metal Seated Ball Valves, Cryogenic Ball Valves, Fire Safe High-Performance Ball Valves, Lug & Wafer Ball Valve, High Performance 3 & 4 Way Ball Valves, Diverter Ball Valves, Butterfly Valves, Seal Weld Threaded Full Port Ball Valves